Saturday 5 July 2014


Got an amazing top but don't know what to wear it with? Or a pair of shoes you're dying to wear, but still need an outfit to match? Not a problem!

Styled by Tash is a personal shopping and styling service for people of all ages who need fashion support, the right way. Styled by Tash, is a friendly fashion service founded by Australian fashion blogger, Natasha Vertannes (Epitome of Tash). Natasha had been receiving many requests on what to wear for particular occasions. Getting back to everyone took quite a lot of time, so she thought of a personal and online fashion service for people who need some major advice on the go. A live chat was the only solution, as it was much quicker and easier than replying to many emails. This is how Styled by Tash was born. If you're attending an event and would like us to give you some advice, chat with us so we can make your look perfect for the occasion. From your outfit, shoes and accessories, to selecting the perfect makeup and hairstyle suitable for your event, we'll make sure you look and feel amazing. Just hop online between 4pm-8pm, Monday to Friday, for a one on one private style session with one of our stylists. Our style team is here to help! 

The process: 

First we ask you what your personal/preferred style is (boho, chic, minimalist etc)

Then we ask what shops you like to purchase your clothes from (list as many as you wish)

Once we have a taste of your personal style, we will suggest some choices for you and give you some advice 

If you want to get into more depth and make sure you look your absolute best on the occasion, we recommend you take some photos of your wardrobe pieces and send them to Styled by Tash's personal styling team on our contact page. We can then look at your pieces and discuss further details. Don't worry, it's not just us doing it, you will get to have your say as well! The best thing is, it's all online.

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